Recognizing the importance of protecting personal information in today's advanced information and communication society, our company strives to safeguard it based on the following policies.
Collecting personal information
- The Company will collect personal information only by fair and appropriate means.
Use of personal information
- The Company will use personal information as much as it is needed to carry out our business within the scope of the purpose specified when they were obtained.
- In the case where the Company share personal information with a third party or entrust the handling of personal information to a third party, the Company will conduct a thorough investigation of the third party and supervise them appropriately to maintain confidentiality.
Provision of personal information to a third party
- The Company will not provide an individual's personal information to any third party without prior agreement from the individual, except for any situation where the Company needs to fulfill any legal obligations.
Managing personal information
- The Company will maintain the accuracy of personal information and manage it safely.
- To prevent loss, destruction, alteration or leaks of personal information, the Company will take appropriate measures for information security against illegal access or computer viruses.
- The Company will not leak personal information by any actions, such as taking out or sending outside personal information.
Disclosure, correction, suspension of use or deletion of personal information
- The Company will ensure that an individual has the right to request for any disclosure, correction, suspension of use or deletion of their own personal information and if these requests are made, the Company will not object and will respond immediately.
Continuous improvement for handling personal information protection
- The Company will comply with the Personal Information Protection Law and continuously improve handling of the policy and personal information protection.
If you have any opinions or inquiries on our handling of personal information, please contact the Company's personal information consultation center。
Jun Watanabe President & CEO Mipox Corporation